
Showing posts from November, 2018

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Dear Friends Now you can buy my book on Amazon kindle link given below-- <iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="//"> It Tools and Business System


Tricks to Crack  CCC Exam E-Book                 (with first attempt without any coaching ) My Dear Friends     With your request, we have prepared this book which has more than 500 exercises which will help you to pass the CCC exam. You will find this book absolutely free. You just have to click on the link given below and download it on Instamojo.             thank you for supports and love....

'this Pointer' in C++ Language (part 2)

'this Pointer' in C++ Language What is 'this Pointer' ? 'this' is a keyword. this is a local object pointer every instance member function containing address of the caller object. this pointer can not be modify. It is used to refer caller object in member function. Example of 'this pointer' Note:- Remember this in the quotation given above that the this pointer is called by itself, with all the instant function(if want to learn what is  static and instance member click the link) .But if we also want to use this pointer, So we will have to do it within the function because it is a local pointer. Now know why we need this pointer when we  want  the name of the variable member and instance member are same then we use the this pointer to tell the difference to the compiler because when the compiler sees the same name of both the variables, it will give an error. To avoid this error we used this pointer i.e th...

'this Pointer' in C++ Language (part 1)

'this Pointer' in C++ Language First we will read the 'Object Pointer; :- Lets see an example : In the quotation given above, we have created a class of box in which we've got three variables, length,breadth and height. Output  Now we see how object pointer works. A Pointer contains address of an object is called  Object Pointer.  Here we see that the pointers pointing to the small box object. Lets understand it through example : In the quotation given above, we put the address of the smallbox object into pointer .i.e p=&smallBox; now *p will indicate object smallbox therefore We can write *p instead of objects. But remember, the object pointer indicate the function using arrow keys, as we are looking at the quotation above. If this article is helpful to you then please like share and comments.. thank you..

Inheritance in C++ Language( part 2)

Inheritance in C++ Language Please, before see this part, please take a look at the previous part 1 so that you can understand better this part. Inheritance in C++ Language (part 1) Types of Inheritance in C++ Language Single Inheritance Multilevel Inheritance Multiple Inheritance  Hierarchical Inheritance Hybrid Inheritance Single Inheritance :  A derived class with only one base class is called Single Inheritance. Syntax : Multilevel Inheritance : A derived class with one base class and that base class is a derived class of another is called multilevel inheritance. Syntax : Multiple Inheritance : A derived class with multiple base class is called multiple inheritance. Syntax: Hierarchical Inheritance : Multiple derived classes with same base class is called hierarchical inheritance. Syntax : What is visibility mode The are three type of mode :private,protected and public as seen in below...

Inheritance in C++ Language(part 1)

Inheritance in C++ Language First of all, why do we need inheritance: We remember some of our earlier concept i.e Class is used to describe properties and behaviour of an object. Property's names and values Behaviour means actions Lets us assume that we want to represent a car. As we are looking at quotation above,We Created a Car's Class in which we have made some properties i.e variable and have some methods i.e function to access the property or variable through  object. Now you can create different objects for different car, but in all, variables(property) and function (methods) in every object will same.   What will we do when we have to represent a sports car? Because the sports car is quite different from a normal car and the properties(variable) and methods (functions) are also more like given below: What can we do if we want to represent the sports car? Lets see, How We Can represent the sport Car : 1-If yo...


Now you can my Ebook on Instamojo Description How to crack 'O' Level Papers , Some important question that frequently asked every year, What to read in O level in less time, How to do o level exam without coaching etc etc etc .. All these questions are just an answer to this book.All topics in this book are very well explained with example and picture.                                                           Thank you... click on link button to buy this book

Friend Function in C++ Language

Friend Function in C++ Language What is Friend Function ? 1-Friend Function is not a member function of a class to which it is a friend. 2-Friend function is declared in the class with friend keyword 3-It must be defined outside the class to which it is friend. 4-Friend function can access any member of the class to which it is friend. 5-Friend function cannot access members of the class directly. 6-It has no caller object. 7-It should not be defined with membership label. Example : As we are seeing in quotation given above, the friend fun() has been called without caller object i.e fun() and the friend function declared  inside Class but  defined outside the Class. Lets discuss how friend function can  become friend to more than one class As we are seeing in quotation given above, the friend function can access both private member of class i.e A and B  together with the help of object i.e fun(A o1,B o2).  ...

Operator Overloading in C++ Language (part 2)

Overloading of Unary Operator Overload Unary Minus(-) Operator using class Member function. Unary operator acts on one operand only. In case overloaded operator function is a class member function, then it will act on the object with which it is called and use it as operand. The unary operator operate on a single operand and following are the examples of Unary operator – ·          The increment (++) and decrement (--) operators. ·          The unary minus (-) operator. ·          The logical not (!) operator. The unary operators operate on the object for which they were called and normally, this operator appears on the left side of the object, as in !obj, -obj , and ++obj but sometime they can be used as postfix as well like obj ++ or obj --. Following example explain how pre/post increment and decrement (--) operator can be overloaded: ...

Operator Overloading in C++ Language (part 1)

Operator Overloading in C++ Language What is Operator Overloading in C++ Language ? Why is Operator  Overloading used ? You can write any C++ program without the knowledge of operator overloading. However, operator operating are profoundly used by programmers to make program intuitive. For example, You can replace the code like: Calculation = add(multiply (a, b), divide(a, b)); To Calculation = (a*b)+(a/b); Rule of Operator Overloading Example : Operator Overloading  Remember, in the example given above, whenever we use the operator as a function name in our program then we have to use operator keywords before operator like +,- etc. But while calling the function, we can call in two ways as we are looking at the example above i.e "c3=c1.operator+(c2) or c3=c1+c2". If this article is helpful to you then please like share and comments..thank you..

Destructor in C++ Language

Destructor in C++ Language What is Destructor ? Example :- Destructor Here we seen in above example that destructor is almost similar to Constructor . And  if we don't write our own destructor in class, compiler creates a default destructor for us but this type of destructor is called empty destructor. How to call Destructor ? It is invoked implicitly when object is going to destroy. Destructor is the last function in the life of the object(which called and run). Example:- Destructor As we have seen in the quotation given above, fun() Function will be called before getch() function and As soon as the work of fun function is over, the object will also destroy,  To see if a destructor has been run or not, we have written a statement in distructor and if this statement is run then our destructor will run too. OUTPUT  Here we have seen in the output given above that destructor will display on screen that's me...

Constructor in C++ Language( part-2 )

Constructor in C++ Language How to Call Constructor ? Today, we take second example of  'Constructor is used to solve problem of initialization' :-- 1- First we understand why Constructor called Constructor because object become object with help     of constructor. for example:-- Here, we know in previous lecture of Constructor that at the time of object created , the constructor call and run automatically..but remember without any constructor , the object has garbage value only and does not represent any member.  2- Now as we know above line that without any constructor,object contain garbage value and doesn't      represent to any member value this is called 'problem of initialization'  3- To avoid the above problem of initialization, we created an Constructor so that at the time of      object created constructor called and run some value so that object doesn't contain any garbage ...

Constructor in C++ Language (part -1)

Constructor in C++ Language What is Constructor in C++ ? constructor in C++ How to Call Constructor ? Lets take first example of  'Constructor is implicitly invoked when an object is created' :-- Example - 1 constructor in c++ OUTPUT Example - 2 OUTPUT Here we seen in above example that how to create constructor i.e complex () {cout<<"Hello  constructor";} and how they call automatically  with object i.e complex c1,c2,c3; We will discuss ' Constructor is used to solve problem of  initialization' in next lecture.... If you have any query then please comments in comment section or if this article is helpful to you then please like share....

Static Member in C++ Language

Static Member in C++  There are three types of Static Member in C++ Language:- 1- Static Local Variables 2- Static Member Variables 3- Static Member Functions 1- Static Local Variables Example of Static Local Variables static local variable Here in above example,'static int x' means static local variable which by default value will be zero and 'int y' by default value will be garbage.When fun() is call then 'y' variable get value and after the work of fun() finished then the value of 'y' will destroy but the variable of 'x'   get value from the beginning of program  which remains until the end of the program. 2- Static Member Variables Example of Static Member Variables static member variable In above example , 'int balance' is called Instance Member Variable where as static float roi(rate of interest) is called Static Member Variable or we can say Class Variable. When we m...