Inheritance in C++ Language( part 2)

Inheritance in C++ Language

Please, before see this part, please take a look at the previous part 1 so that you can understand better this part.Inheritance in C++ Language (part 1)

Types of Inheritance in C++ Language

  • Single Inheritance
  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance 
  • Hierarchical Inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance

Single Inheritance : 

A derived class with only one base class is called Single Inheritance.

Syntax :

Multilevel Inheritance :

A derived class with one base class and that base class is a derived class of another is called multilevel inheritance.

Syntax :

Multiple Inheritance :

A derived class with multiple base class is called multiple inheritance.


Hierarchical Inheritance :

Multiple derived classes with same base class is called hierarchical inheritance.

Syntax :

What is visibility mode

The are three type of mode :private,protected and public as seen in below:-

In any class, you make these three types of modes,depending on you which member you will make
private,protected and public.

There are type of user of a class i.e The first user of two types of user is made the object of your class and second user  will build a child(derived) class with the help of your base (parent)class.

Remember, the difference between Availability and Accessibility :-

Availability  means that all three modes i.e private,protected and public are available in the storage space But the user 1 can access the public only but user 2 can access both  protected and public therefore you can say that Accessibility means which can used by user or you can say that all three modes remain present but user 1 can used just public and user 2 can used protected and public.

Let's see use of Visibility modes i.e Private , Protected and Public :

From the chart above (we take only user 2 example i.e derived class or child class), we can see the uses three modes separately . For example :-

1- If you used private mode in derived class i.e class B:private class A then derived class accesses           protected and public both member of the parent class but its used as private member in its class
    as we seen in above chart.

2- If you used protected mode in derived class i.e class B:protected class A then derived class                   accesses protected and public both member of parent class but its used as protected member in
    its class.

3- If you used protected mode in derived class i.e class B:public class A then derived class                      accesses protected and public both member of parent class but its used  protected member as 
    protected member and public member as public member in its class.

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