Tricks to solve the O level Practical paper

Tricks to solve the O level Practical paper

More than 75% of my given notes have come in this O Level paper .Those who have read my notes and have given the paper, all of them are congrats. 




Some Important Question that ask every years in practical exam

Do the following settings:
a) Display pointer trails
b) Change the normal pointer of a mouse to another pointer
c) Set the date advanced by 2 months
d) Reset the system date and time
e) Set the system time late by 2 hrs: 40 minutes.

 Write VBScript code for displaying an alert dialog box with OK button, welcoming a user with a message “Welcome To my Web Site”. As soon as the OK button is clicked, an image should be displayed in the web browser.

 Using ‘C’, write a program to remove all occurrences of word “the” and “The” from an input string. For example: Input: The Dhillon Theatre is now the Fun Republic. Output: Dhillon atre is now Fun Republic.

 Using ‘C#’, create a function to print all prime numbers between 20 and 100.

 A Timeline is where you control the images and sounds in the Flash documents. The Timeline is divided into frames. Create an application in Flash to demonstrate the Timeline effects for changing text, shapes and symbols.

Using grade.xls in MS-Excel to perform the following formatting operations:

 a) Draw a border around the worksheet

b) Change the font size of heading to 14 points and underline it and hide column c

c) Increase the width of column A to 15 characters

d) Right Align the values in column B, C, F

Design a form using HTML tags for student enrolment in a school. DRDO vacancy 2019

Write a ‘C’ function to remove duplicates from an ordered array. For example, if input array contains 10,10,10,30,40,40,50,80,80,100 then output should be 10,30,40,50,80,100.

Write a program in ‘C#’ to read two strings from the keyboard using readline statements and compare them ignoring the case.

Create an animated button symbol on the screen as a reusable object that can also be stored in a library for a Flash document.

Imagine you are in the ‘others’ directory. From this location give the DOS commands for the following:
a) Display all the files of ‘civics’ directory.

b) Delete the files from the ‘physics’ directory.

c) Display all the files, which have extension of ‘txt’ under the ‘math’ directory.

d) Copy the directory ‘optics’ under the ‘mphysics’ directory.

Using HTML
a) Create a 4x3 table

b) Within table, place 12 images of Indian Tourist Spots, in each box

c) Each image should link to the corresponding Website of the Tourist Spot

d) Each Image must be at least 100x100 in size

Write a program in ‘C’ to reverse the digits of a given number. For example, the number 9876 should be returned as 6789.

Create a rolling ball using Photoshop by using the concept of layers. Place some white text on this layer at the center of the image. Sphererize the text and show the effects.

Create a table in MS-Excel as shown below:
Roll No. Name Marks in Physics Marks in Chemistry Total Marks

1. Ritu 80 70

2. Rohit 70 80

3. Amit 60 50

4. Rakesh 40 60

5. Niti 30 70

6. Garima 80 80

 Do the following:
a) In the total marks column, entries should be calculated using formulas and it is the sum of marks in physics and marks in chemistry.

b) Insert a new row at the end of the table and also find grand total using formula.

c) Sort the table based on total marks.

d) All columns should be center aligned.

e) Heading should be in bold and underlined.

Create a page with two frames using HTML:

a) The left frame of page contains the list of names and images of the Indian national leaders.

b) On the left frame when u click on the image, the details will be shown on the right fame.

Write a C function that takes an integer value and returns the number with its digits reversed.

Write a program in ‘C#’ that counts the number of occurrences of a particular character in a line of text. Print the character and its number of occurrences.

Compress .txt, .doc, .jpg, .bmp files using any compression tool. Compare the compression ratio

Make a list of address in MS-Excel. Write a letter in MS-Word. Using mail merge generate letters for all addresses in Excel file.

Write a program in ‘C’ to find the sum of all prime numbers between 100 and 500.

Write a program using ‘C#’ to create and start a thread t1. A write method should be defined to display a string in the console window when the thread starts.

Create a table with the following field names in MS-Access.
Name of field           Data type
Book_name              Varchar
Purchase_date            Date
Price                           Numeric
 Author_name           Varchar

Do the following:
a) Enter 5 records in the table using forms.

 b) Display list of books in alphabetical order using reports.

c) Display list of books in ascending order of price.

2. Create an HTML document with JavaScript code that

a) Has three textboxes and a button.

 b) The details to be accepted using textboxes are principal, rate of interest, and duration in years.

c) When user clicks the Ok button a message box appears showing the simple interest of principal amount.

Write a function, str_search(char* s1,char* s2, int n) , that takes two strings and an integer, as arguments and returns a pointer to the nth occurrence of first string s1 in the second string s2, or NULL if nth occurrence is not present.

Write a program in ‘C#’ that opens two files and updates the contents of one file to another. It should have an exception to handle non existing file in case of reading first file.

A Symbol is a graphic, button, or movie clip you create once and can use any number of times in the application. Any symbol created is automatically placed in a storage area called the library for current document. Create a symbol as a logo for your company that can be stored in a library for a Flash document as a reusable object.

Create a document in MS-Word in following format:

a) Heading: 20 Pt, Font: Arial Bold, Left Aligned numbered.

b) Paragraph: hanging indent 0.5”, alignment justified 12 pt times new roman normal, line spacing 1.5

c) Page: Left Margin 1.5” Right 1” Top Margin 1” Bottom Margin 0.75”

Create a page with two frames using HTML: -
The left frame of page contains the list of names and images of the Indian national leaders. - On the left frame when you click on the image, the details will be shown on the right fame

Write a C program to add, subtract, multiply and display two matrices from a menu after getting input from the user.

Write a .NET program to accept two strings from two text boxes. Display these two strings with their lengths. Compare these strings and display appropriate message.

Create an application in Photoshop to illustrate the basic Image processing techniques.

Using assign.xls to perform the following formatting operations:

 i) Draw a border around the worksheet.

 ii) Change the font size of heading to 14 points and underline it and hide column c.

 iii) Increase the width of column A to 15 characters.

 iv) Right Align the values in column B, C and F.

Create a HTML page to accept the name, address, city, state and pin code. Add a send button to send an email with the details of name and complete address.

 Write a ‘C’ program which will display a menu to do the following:

 a) Get an input string.

 b) Count the number of characters in the string.

 c) Convert the string to Upper Case letters.

 d) Convert the string to Lower Case letters.

 e) Quit

Write a ASP.NET application to create a web from to display the total no. of users currently access that form and also display the total no. of hits of that form.

Create an animated flying India’s flag using any multimedia software and play a sound for this animation.

Create a database in MS-Excel. Calculate the Total, Average and print the table as per format below: S. No. Year Subject1 Subject2 Subject3 Subject4 Average
1. 2002 243 234 123 354
2. 2003 532 367 893 265
3. 2004 432 256 782 165
4. 2005 234 543 645 642
5. 2006 265 765 934 278

Write a HTML program to create a form for the subscription of a magazine.
The form should contain Name, Address, City, State, Pin Code. Magazine should be selected from 5 different magazines using checkbox. Subscription is available for 1 year or two years. Radio buttons shall be used to select subscription period. The page should have a submit button.

Write a program in ‘C’ language to input 20 arbitrary numbers in one-dimensional array. Calculate frequency of each number. Print the numbers and their frequency in a tabular form.

 Write a program in ‘C#’ to get two arrays and multiply the members term by term and then display the output.

Create an animated graphic symbol eg. an animated rollover button. Add a movie clip to be played on the button surface. Also add the timeline to show animated effects.

Make a list of addresses in MS-Excel. Write a letter in MS-Word. Using mail-merge generate letters for all addresses in MS-Excel file.

Design a HTML page to display a picture. The picture should be removed from the screen after a mouse click on the picture.

Write a program in ‘C’ which will arrange the positive and negative numbers in a one-dimensional array in such a way that all positive numbers should come first and then all the negative numbers will come without changing original sequence of the numbers. Example: Original array contains: 10, -15, 1, 3, -2, 0, -2, -3, 2, -9 Modified array: 10, 1, 3, 0, 2, -15, -2, -2, -3, -9

 Write a program using ‘C#’ to create and start a thread T1. A right method should be defined to display a string in the console window when the thread starts.

 Create an animated button symbol on the screen as a reusable object that can also be stored in a library for a Flash document.

Write a program in ‘C#’ to get two matrices and multiply them. Make sure that number of columns of first matrix = number of rows of second.

You want to upgrade your system RAM from 1GB to 4GB. How will you assess your computer whether your computer supports 4GB of RAM or NOT?

Create a list of 10 best friends. Create a Thank You letter. Use Mail Merge feature of MS-WORD to create a Thank You letter for each of your friends from the list.

Write a HTML Code to display the following: Bio-data Name: Fathers Name: Date of Birth: Age: Candidate may use his/her name, father’s name, date of birth and age for this question.

 Write a ‘C’ Program that Convert decimal number into binary number. eg. The number 70 in decimal is expressed as 1000110 in binary.

Write a program in ‘C#’ to get a count and display of the Fibonacci series as follows: Enter Count: 10 Output:- Series is 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 OR Illustrate with the help of an application the creation of text effects with filters 

very important c language practical question

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