Class and Structure

Class and Structure

Difference between Class and Structure :

class in c,oops concept

Lets understand with examples :  write a program of complex numbers.

1- Program of Complex number with Structure

class in c,structure in c

Here we know that private member of structure can't accessible from outside as we discuss in our
previous lecture of  structure.if you don't saw so please go to that lecture of STRUCTURE for better understand the concept of Class. 

2- Program of Complex number with Class

class in c,oops concept

Here we seen that without written of Private access specifier int a,b by default consider as 
Private member.

Now, lets discuss some property of Class :

1-  Class variables called object 

class and object,oops concept

Here in above example , we seen that c1  is an object or we can say that c1 is noun and set_data(3,4)
is verb mean c1 is name which perform some action  like set_data(3,4). Remember in class member
 function directly access by its object  as we seen in above example that c1 directly access 
set_data function variable i.e 3,4 when it is called.

2- How to define member function outside the class.

class and object,oops concept

Here in above example we can seen that 'set_data' function is define outside the class but its consider
as member function of class because we used membership label i.e "complex:: " while defining function and we have to declare it's function inside the class i.e void set_data(int,int) as we seen
in above. Remember function define inside the class 'by default' consider as inline function
but when you define it outside the class then to make it inline function with help of inline keyword.

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